一个小型会议,连接世界各地的倡导, 艺术, 性别与性研究, 和医学. View event details here.
祝贺来访作者Rachel E. 格罗斯入选了2023年安德鲁·卡内基小说和非小说杰出奖章的候选名单!
欧博体育妇女研究所的一项重要任务是制定计划, 支持编程与学术的整合, 展示女性的成就,并为下一代女权主义领袖提供支持. 欧博体育这样做的一个创造性方法是通过妇女研究所的学生大使. Student Ambassadors collaborate with the 教师 and Executive Directors to develop and deliver Women’s Institute’s events and programming (three or more events each semester); attend one admissions event/open house each semester or host students interested in the Women’s Institute Ambassadorship; participate in summer orientation or moving-in weekend; and make academic progress toward the completion of the Women’s Studies minor or complete one course in women’s studies.
学生大使有资格获得1500美元的奖学金. 所有在欧博体育注册的全日制学生都有资格申请大使职位.